drinking wine during pregnancy 2011

OK to drink wine during pregnancy??? - January 2011 Babies.
If the Wine's High End, Is it Okay to Drink During Pregnancy.
Red wine during pregnancy?? - Pregnancy - Page 4 - BabyCenter.
Page 3:Anyone else drink wine while preggers? Went out. Posted 05/27/2011. Anyone. I have a friend who while pregnant would drink wine all of the time.
Pregnant Kate Hudson Sips Wine: OK in Moderation or Reckless.
drinking wine during pregnancy 2011
Just one glass of wine a week while pregnant 'can harm a baby's IQ.drinking wine during pregnancy 2011
Anyone drinking red wine in 1st Trimester? - March 2011 Birth Club.

Page 4: I heard somewhere that red wine during pregnancy cant cause any harm and actually helps the baby or something like that. i didnt. Posted 06/07/2011. We know from research that heavy drinking causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011. Surely there are lots of pregnant wine drinking ladies who are in the closet because they don't want to see the eyes of judgement.
Feb 20, 2011. Before getting pregnant I wasnt even a drinker, but now all of the sudden im craving a glass of white wine! Its wierd to crave alcohol bc I rarely.
May 18, 2010. Never been pregnant. My friends all stopped drinking and never complained about it. MY Sister had an occasional wine sprintzer and resented.
I have friends who have wine occasionally while pregnant and I don't judge them. I mean, I'm drinking caffeine (in the form of iced tea and Coke, because I have.
Pregnant women are strongly urged not to drink alcohol during pregnancy.. That means when a pregnant mom has a glass of wine, her baby has a glass of wine, too. Drinking alcohol can. Obstet Gynecol 2011;118:383–388. [PubMed:.