flex 3 regex replace

regex - Replace character inside the htmlText - Stack Overflow.
regex - Simple syntax question - Stack Overflow.
expression - Regex pattern for HH:MM:SS time string - Stack Overflow.
How to replace forward slashes with backslashes using regex and the string replace(). Line 3: This is where we use the pattern to find and replace all of the forward. This entry was posted on April 24, 2009, 8:19 pm and is filed under flex .
flex 3 regex replace
RegEx | Web Consultant - Flex/ ColdFusion/ SQL.flex3 - How can I find a number in a string using Flex? - Stack Overflow.
c# - How do I replace an actual asterisk character (*) in a Regex.
You can use RegExp. var rex:RegExp = /[srn]*/gim; var str:String = "This is a string."; str = str.replace(rex,''); // str is now "Thisisastring.".
PeterWong 7,35033144. Why not remove the negation and change the regular expression to this: var regexp:RegExp = /[u0021-uFFFF]/;. BTW no need to use new RegExp or quotes around regular expressions in Flex.
When using the replace method with a regex pattern, is there anyway. on behalf of TheCanadian, he has been struggling with this for 3 years.
regex - Regular Expression in Actionscript 3 - Stack Overflow.
AS3 RegExp and String.replace - Kirupa.
Regular Expressions: 30 Useful Tools and Resources - Hongkiat.com.
How to replace forward slashes with backslashes using regex and the string replace(). Line 3: This is where we use the pattern to find and replace all of the forward. This entry was posted on April 24, 2009, 8:19 pm and is filed under flex .
Finding substrings and patterns in strings · Converting strings between uppercase and lowercase · Strings example: ASCII art · Regular expression syntax.
Sep 6, 2009. To help myself out, I wrote a quick little Flex app that lets you test how a regular expression will work with a particular string. It lets you try out all.
To replace them with spaces (as per your question title):. You don't need regex for this. Just a. Software Monkey Mar 2 '10 at 3:42. As turns.
Trying to replace a portion of a string with a "-" if it matches a string variable in AS3.. View 3 Replies! In Actionscript and Adobe Flex, I'm using a pattern and regexp (with the global flag) with the string.match method and it.
Jul 8, 2008. 3 Comments. On 12.22.08 kranthi wrote these pithy words: HI. I am new to flex and working on some project. I have a search filed in my page.